Pre-application or Pre-app
One-size-fits-all does not work with listed buildings, Pre-apps can be of great help when handling a complex project or a risky proposal. Understand its benefits and how to make the most of it.
One-size-fits-all does not work with listed buildings, Pre-apps can be of great help when handling a complex project or a risky proposal. Understand its benefits and how to make the most of it.
How could a Certificate of lawfulness help when doing works to my listed building? And how does it work? Find all about it.
How does planning permission for listed building work? Find out about my step by step process.
If you own a listed building, you could benefit from the service of a heritage consultant. Learn more about what they can offer at different stages. From buying, redesigning, applying for planning and achieving your dream home.
Listed protection can extend to nearby buildings that have been part of the land of the listed building since 1st July 1948.
If your proposed works affect a listed building you’ll need listed building consent. But if the works affect also the outside, you’ll need to add a planning application.
Read the story of a planning application for a back extension in a Grade 2 star building in Putney. Including key points to achieve planning permission.
A good planning application is prepared with the best knowledge of your building. A measured survey will significantly contribute to that.
If your planning application affects a heritage asset, you’ll need a Heritage Statement. Learn all you need about it.